Fundraising at the local chapter level not only brings sisters together in a social setting, but it also supports our P.EO. projects. Many chapters have already scheduled activities for the year, but it is not too late to add some FUNdraisers to try something new and spread the message of P.E.O. Your Kansas State Chapter Finance Committee has a few easy fundraising ideas, presented at the Convention of Kansas State Chapter in June, which can be implemented as part of the social time at chapter meetings:
- Calendar Game: Have a calendar available at a chapter meeting. Pick a day of importance to you (i.e., birthday, anniversary, child or grandchild’s birthday, graduation, etc.). Sign your name on that square on that calendar. (You may opt to choose more than one day. Multiple people can choose the same square.) Donate the amount equal to the calendar date. For example: someone choosing September 23 would donate $31 (9+23=31). Share why you chose this date. This quick and easy fundraiser is an opportunity to learn something new about a sister as well as raise funds for P.E.O. Projects.
- Happy Dollars: After the close of each business meeting, members can share special news or moment by donating a dollar.
- Dollars for Desserts: Each meeting, members donate $3 to $5 for coffee or dessert.
- Bring a Book to a Meeting to Share: Instead of purchasing a new book at the bookstore, sisters can borrow books for a donation to P.E.O. projects. Bring the book back at a future meeting for the next sister to borrow.
Increasing our membership also increases our opportunities to support our projects. Activating our inactive sisters and seeking new sisters adds to our resources and fundraising abilities.
Most importantly: do not forget to sponsor project applicants since that is what FUNdraising is all about.