Can you believe we’re almost halfway to Convention 2025? NEITHER CAN I! Kansas State Chapter Convention is a time to gather with your sisters from across the state, rebuild friendships and develop new ones, learn about what’s going on in P.E.O., and refresh your own commitment to our sisterhood. What’s your favorite part of Convention? Maybe it’s the seminars. It could be Saturday Night Projects Dinner. It’s possible your favorite part is the Boutique (we all love the Boutique)… My favorite part of Convention is being with all of you!
Please join us June 6-7, 2025, at the Manhattan Conference Center as we celebrate our contributions to our Sisterhood and the education of women from Kansas, the U.S., and around the world! Plan to learn more about projects, new ideas for your own chapter, and our Kansas chapters’ efforts to go To The STARS through P.E.O. Be ready to cheer for those chapters that met this year’s goals of Sponsoring project applicants, Trying something new, Activating inactives, Reinvesting in our chapters, and Seeking new sisters!
Until then, have a beautiful, restful, and fulfilling Holiday season. I cannot wait to see you in June!
Over the past four years, annual reports have transitioned from paper forms to being completed online. This year, they will see one more change. Starting in January 2025, preparation for annual reports will begin with the local chapter’s corresponding secretary.
P.E.O. International will email corresponding secretaries with instructions to review and update the Membership Roster on the P.E.O. International website between January 1 and February 24, 2025. Because the corresponding secretary will complete this review before the launch of online annual reports, it will ensure chapter rosters are up-to-date and ready for the treasurer on March 1.
What changes should the corresponding secretary look for on the Member Roster? She should correct discrepancies with contact information for chapter sisters, report any missing membership transactions (initiations, reinstatements, transfers into the chapter, and deaths of active and inactive members), and complete any missing information for chapter sisters. Remember: the corresponding secretary will not report new inactive sisters. Sisters who do not pay dues are only marked inactive by the chapter treasurer after March 1 on the online annual report.
Once the corresponding secretary has completed her roster review, submitted all updates, and verified that the records are correct, she must report her review to the chapter president. This report must be made before February 24. This review should not take long if all membership transactions have been reported throughout the year.
In addition to the email from P.E.O. International, local chapter corresponding secretaries received an email from Kansas State Chapter with specific instructions and helpful tools for completing the Member Roster review. Information for corresponding secretaries, including a new month-by-month checklist, will also be included in the winter mailing at the end of January.
Corresponding secretaries are encouraged to contact KSC Executive Secretary Kasey Griffith with any questions or if they need help navigating the P.E.O. International website. By reviewing and updating the Member Roster in January/February, treasurers and presidents will be able to complete annual reports more easily in March.
Local Treasurers: Dues, Donations & Annual Reports
Collecting Dues
Dues are assessed as follows:
$36 International dues which includes $6 to Cottey College
$15 state dues which includes $4.50 for the state convention fund
Local chapter dues as set by the individual chapter
Start early and recruit help from your sisters.
Each local chapter treasurer should have received an email entitled “P.E.O. International – Dues are Due” from the Executive Office in Des Moines in December with an informative dues notice draft you can edit for your chapter and then email to your members. If you did not receive this, please contact Executive Treasurer Sharon Leatherman at
Please reach out to each sister and encourage her to continue her membership in P.E.O. Even if she cannot participate in meetings, her dues help support our shared mission for the advancement of women through education.
Missing Dues?
At the last meeting in February, the treasurer may announce the name of any member whose dues have not been received. By vote of the chapter, the treasurer may be authorized to advance dues for the member(s). You do this by closing your books and counting her as active when updating the members in the online process. When you receive the dues from the member, deposit and record them in your new year’s books. (There is a document on called “Explanation of Dues Advancement for Treasurers Record Book Entry” with more information on this policy. Using the search function (magnifying glass), search for “Dues Advancement.”)
If you are still missing dues as of February 28 and you know the sister wishes to remain active, you may pay those dues with chapter money as outlined above.
Donations qualifying for special recognitions (Partners in Peace, Laureate Chapter, etc.) must be received by January 31.
All other chapter donations must be received by February 28 to be included in the 2024-2025 state gift list.
Please use the most recent chapter donation form. Donation forms and a document of Frequently Asked Questions about Donations are located under Chapter Resources/Local Chapter Officers at
Annual Reports
Your president will receive a mailing in late January that includes additional Kansas information/forms for the chapter treasurer.
To prepare now, you should collect dues, be sure your donations are sent in time, and get your checkbook register and spreadsheets up-to-date and balanced (except for the last check for dues and fees).
The Annual Report training video will be posted to the P.E.O. International website after February 1. The chapter president and treasurer will also receive emails with additional information.
NEW THIS YEAR: Between January 1 and February 24, local chapter corresponding secretaries will receive an email with instructions to review and update their Membership Roster on the P.E.O. International website. This review is in advance of the electronic submittal of the annual report in March and completes the corresponding secretary’s annual report duties.
THEN: Notification by email will be sent to the president and treasurer on March 1 to begin the annual report. The president and treasurer will complete the electronic annual report from March 1-10. The treasurer begins the process by completing the chapter Membership Roster, Dues Form and IRS-LC and the president follows with review and approval.
An envelope for mailing the dues and fees check will be included in the Kansas winter mailing to your president. Please include a copy of your final Local Chapter Dues Form in the envelope.
The end of this year would be an ideal time for each local chapter to assess its historical collection. This brief questionnaire can help your chapter make decisions about your collection.
Where is your collection stored?
Who has access to this collection?
Are the artifacts stored in a safe location protected from the elements?
Do you have a current inventory list?
Do you have printed minutes and presidents’ letters older than 10 years?
What can future members learn from your collection?
Does your collection contain primarily paper records? A mix of paper and digital backups? Primarily digital records?
Are there bulky paper scrapbooks and unidentified photographs in your collection?
Your chapter may need to have a discussion about your historical collection. Perhaps a committee needs to be appointed to help your historian. Although it is time-consuming, digitizing artifacts can save space and could be a fun project for a committee. Looking through your artifacts is always interesting.
Have you ever been furiously busy, with your thoughts going in ten different directions, having forgotten the thing you came into the room to do, and found yourself wanting to sit down, close your eyes, cover your ears, and just turn off all the chaos for a minute? I may or may not be having that sensation right now. Thanksgiving prep, kids’ schedules, school activities, work, meetings, holiday shopping, house is a mess, underslept, overstimulated…ACK! Even the things that are self-imposed challenges are still challenging. (I.e., my siblings could be assigned to cook more of the Loveland family Thanksgiving feast, but…I do not trust them to meet my standards, so my long Thanksgiving to-do list is of my own making.)
Now think about your P.E.O. sisters. If you’re juggling life’s duties and disasters, so are they. Their set of stressors might not look like yours, but I assure you, everyone’s list is long this time of year. Everyone is running out of bandwidth.
So, what do we do about it? Even if you can’t unload burdens from your sisters, you can choose not to add to the pile. And that is my holiday challenge to you. Be the person who helps your sister close her eyes, cover her ears, and turn off the chaos, even just for a minute. When you see your sister, let the hug last a couple more seconds than usual. Finish your text message with a silly emoji and remind her that you love her. When you meet her for coffee, suggest spending a couple minutes not talking, and then, just for a few seconds, stop thinking and just breathe. I assure you, the benefit you derive will be reflex.
If you are in any of the chapters listed below, please remember to elect a delegate and an alternate delegate to attend the Convention of International Chapter (CIC) in 2025.
These sisters should either be the delegate from your chapter to the 2025 Kansas State Chapter convention in June or have been a KSC convention delegate in the past. This is a wonderful experience that will be held in September 2025 in Phoenix, Arizona. If you have any questions, please contact KSC Vice President Jan Guevel,
Are you looking for the perfect gift for the chapter treasurer who has everything? We have the ideal gift that is sure to make her job easier and put a big smile on her face!
Pay your chapter dues!
Send your chapter dues in a festive holiday card. Invite your treasurer to coffee to give her your dues payment then. Drop by her house with a tasty holiday treat and your dues payment. You can be sure that by paying your dues now, you are making her job much easier in 2025!
Remember that International dues will increase by another $5.00 this year to $36.00. Check with your chapter treasurer for the amount due for your chapter and her preferred method of receiving them.
How does a person properly acknowledge a trusted, diligent, kind, dedicated, supportive, beloved colleague and friend as she sails into a well-deserved retirement? Just saying “goodbye” is wildly insufficient.
Lezlee Heryford, outgoing Kansas State Chapter Executive Treasurer, has provided 24 years of dutiful service to our Kansas sisterhood. From presenting at executive board meetings to providing expertise and explanations at Kansas State Chapter Convention; from monitoring the books for Kansas Sunflower Grants to making sure KSC’s money is invested wisely; from giving expert insight to P.E.O. International’s home office staff to helping new executive treasurers from other S/P/D chapters…the list goes on and on. If you ask Lezlee a question, you know you’ll get the right answer. She has trained countless local chapter treasurers, executive officers of convention, hostess chapter representatives, incoming members of the executive board, AND the incoming executive treasurer!
But beyond any of the things on Lezlee’s list of accomplishments, she is and remains our sister. We’d love to keep her forever, but loving concern doesn’t just mean being supportive to a sister in need. It also requires us to know when to step back and let her hand her role to the next sister. This season in Lezlee’s P.E.O. life has ended, but the next, beautiful season has just begun. I have it on pretty good authority that Lezlee’s next season is called “Nana” and will be filled with lots of time holding her beloved newborn grandson.
Dearest Lezlee, on behalf of the Kansas State Chapter Board and the rest of Kansas P.E.O., I send you into your retirement with every last bit of sisterly love we have. You have given us so much of yourself, and you deserve every happiness life has to offer.
Lovingly in P.E.O., Aidan Koster, President of Kansas State Chapter
On October 10th, your Kansas State Chapter Membership Committee M&Ms were pleased to welcome 55 sisters from around the state to share ideas and strengthen their membership superpowers! It was an honor to welcome Laura Parris, chair of the P.E.O. International Membership Committee, to share ideas with us as well.
We chatted about strategies for meeting Kansas State Chapter goals this year, completed a review of the reinstatement process for sisters returning to their home chapters and for sisters transferring via reinstatement, and explored the role of the local chapter membership committee, including how to start a membership committee for your own chapter.
We hope all in attendance learned some new techniques and left feeling empowered to tackle those P.E.O. membership goals! A big thank you to all who attended. If you have any membership concerns or questions, please reach out to the KSC Membership Committee at We’re here to help!
The Kansas State Chapter Executive Board is excited to announce that Sharon Leatherman, JC, Lawrence, has accepted the position of Executive Treasurer. She will begin her duties on November 1st, 2024. Please welcome Sharon to the team!
Sharon is a member of Chapter JC, Lawrence, where she was initiated in 2015. She has served as JC’s president, vice president, treasurer, chaplain and guard. She has also been active in leading the chapter’s annual Snack Sack Ways and Means project.
Sharon and her husband, Terry, met on the way to class at the University of Kansas. They both hold degrees in Broadcast Journalism from KU. They worked in news reporting after getting married – Sharon in radio, and Terry in radio and TV. Since then, Sharon’s career has focused on association management, event planning, and business communications. Terry is a senior association manager with KnowledgeWorks Global. Both Sharon and Terry grew up in the Kansas City area.
Sharon most recently served as Employment Services Coordinator for the University Career Center at KU. She also spent 12 years at the KU Memorial Union and was the Assistant Director of Event Services. She has managed teams of both professional and student staff.
Sharon and Terry have two daughters, Robin and Kelly. Robin is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst and is Lawrence Clinic Director at Willow ABA Services. She and her husband, Mo, a web development business owner, have two daughters, Layla and Zayna. Kelly is a program manager with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and resides in Chicago.
In her spare time, you’ll most likely find Sharon reading a good book on her Kindle, trying to keep her garden and houseplants alive, or hanging out with the granddaughters.