- Where is your collection stored?
- Who has access to this collection?
- Are the artifacts stored in a safe location protected from the elements?
- Do you have a current inventory list?
- Do you have printed minutes and presidents’ letters older than 10 years?
- What can future members learn from your collection?
- Is your historian familiar with the current International Historical Collections Guidelines for Local Chapters? (Those are located on the P.E.O. International website or the P.E.O. Kansas website.)
- Does your collection contain primarily paper records? A mix of paper and digital backups? Primarily digital records?
- Are there bulky paper scrapbooks and unidentified photographs in your collection?
Your chapter may need to have a discussion about your historical collection. Perhaps a committee needs to be appointed to help your historian. Although it is time-consuming, digitizing artifacts can save space and could be a fun project for a committee. Looking through your artifacts is always interesting.
Sue Atchison
KSC Historian