Local Treasurers: Dues, Donations & Annual Reports
Collecting Dues
- The International portion of dues increased $5 this year. Be sure to add this to the dues you collect.
- Start early and recruit help from your sisters.
- Each local chapter treasurer received an email entitled “P.E.O. International – Dues are Due” from the Executive Office in Des Moines in December with an informative dues notice draft you can edit for your chapter and then email to your members. If you did not receive this, please contact Executive Treasurer Lezlee Heryford at KSCPEOexecutivetreasurer@gmail.com.
- Please reach out to each sister and encourage her to continue her membership in P.E.O. Even if she cannot participate in meetings, her dues help support our shared mission for the advancement of women.
Missing Dues?
- At the last meeting in February, the treasurer may announce the name of any member whose dues have not been received. By vote of the chapter, the treasurer may be authorized to pay dues for the member(s). You do this by closing your books and counting her as active when updating the members in the on-line process. When you receive the dues from the member, deposit and record them in your new year’s books. (There is a document under Resource Library/Local Chapter Officers/Treasurer at www.peointernational.org called “Explanation of Dues Advancement for Treasurers Record Book Entry” with more information on this policy.)
- If you are still missing dues as of February 29 and you know the sister wishes to remain active, you may pay those dues with chapter money as above.
- Donations qualifying for special recognitions (Partners in Peace, Laureate Chapter, etc.) must be received by January 31.
- All other chapter donations must be received by February 29 to be included in the 2023-2024 state gift list.
- Please use the most recent chapter donation form. Donation forms and a document of Frequently Asked Questions about Donations are located under Chapter Resources/Local Chapter Officers at www.peokansas.org.
Annual Reports
- Read the article, “ANNUAL REPORT: 5 TIPS for Chapters”, which appears in the November/December issue of The P.E.O. Record. You can even view it online here: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/445258359/5
- Your president will receive a mailing in late January that includes additional Kansas information/forms for the chapter treasurer.
- To prepare now, you should collect dues, be sure your donations are sent in timely and get your checkbook register and spreadsheets up-to-date and balanced (except for the last check for dues and fees).
- The Annual Report training video will be posted to the P.E.O. International website after February 1. There have been enhancements from last year, so be sure to watch it.
- Reference the article in the upcoming winter issue of The P.E.O. Record for training details and more.
- The local chapter treasurer starts the process. She will receive an email the afternoon of March 1 with a link and login information.
- The reports are to be completed by the local chapter officers by March 10.
- The last check you post will be your check for annual dues and fees. This check should be back dated to February 29 and written after completing the online dues report and getting approval from your president.
- An envelope for mailing the dues and fees check will be included in the winter mailing to your president. Please include a copy of your final Local Chapter Dues Form in the envelope.
Lezlee Heryford
Kansas State Chapter executive treasurer