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Local and State Chapter Committees

P.E.O. only requires an Auditing Committee for local chapters. However, most chapters have several committees to assist in the work of the chapter. An overview of potential local chapter committees and roles, in alphabetical order, and links to other helpful committee resources is provided below. 

Local Chapter Committees

 Local Chapter Committees

 Auditing Committee Role

The Auditing Committee audits the books once a year in March, after the Chapter’s annual report has been submitted by the Treasurer using the Auditing Form provided by P.E.O. International. The Auditing Committee then presents a report to the chapter at the first regular business meeting in March or April under Committee reports, after which the chapter votes on accepting the the Auditing Committee’s report.

Bylaws Committee Role

The Bylaws Committee reviews the current chapter bylaws and standing rules yearly and assesses if a change is needed. A Bylaw may be presented at one meeting and is voted on at the next. A Standing Rule may be voted on in one meeting.

Courtesy Committee Role

The Courtesy Committee functions for sisters in need of meals, cards, and loving concern, often following the Courtesy Guidelines or Standing Rules written by the chapter. These rules may provide a yearly budgeted amount, a list of specific things covered, such as deaths of sisters and/or specific family members, weddings, and births as well as amounts allowed for each. 

Receipts for courtesy items purchased may be presented to the Treasurer for chapter approval regarding reimbursement.

Finance/Ways & Means Role

The Finance Committee works with the President, Treasurer and one other committee member to develop a chapter budget for the upcoming year. Once the budget is finalized, it is presented to the chapter at one meeting and voted on at the next.

The Ways & Means Committee assists with planning and developing fundraising ideas for the chapter throughout the year.

Historian Role

The Historian Committee maintains the historical record for the chapter. They store and preserve scrapbooks and memorabilia from chapter events, collecting photos and adding to the scrapbooks as events occur.

International & State Projects Committee Role

The role of the Project Committee(s) is to foster member understanding of each Kansas State Chapter and International project available and to participate in identifying, interviewing and following written procedures for nominating potential candidates for available projects to help women “reach the stars.”

As each project has different means for applications, application due dates and ways to identify potential candidates, the committee(s) will need to familiarize themselves with these details. The committee(s) will endeavor to give a monthly report concerning either a potential candidate, education about projects to the chapter and/or the International website or P.E.O. Record. Each committee will keep in touch with any candidate the chapter sponsors and invite them to chapter activities for the purpose of potentially inviting them to join P.E.O. . . . More role information

Membership Role

The Membership Committee looks after the health of the chapter. It may include two (or more) subcommittees: Counseling and Unaffiliates as described below. The overall responsibility of the Membership committee is to be diligently aware of the vitality of the chapter. The committee chair shall maintain a membership chart and the committee shall keep in touch with nonparticipating, non-resident and inactive members. If absent or non-resident members are not able to attend, they determine how the chapter can best help them, and help find another chapter if the meeting time or locations are not convenient for them. The Membership committee may present a program, a monthly report or activities such as chatter groups for the chapter. . . More role information

Newsletter Committee Role

The newsletter committee, if present, will prepare a monthly or quarterly newsletter to be given to the chapter. The newsletter may include non-business-related chapter announcements, members updates, birthdays, programs, socials and other pertinent information. The newsletter is emailed to the Technology Committee for distribution to the chapter, and printed copies may be mailed to members without access to internet.

The president may also elect to provide this information by recording the information and placing it on a secure chapter site, such as Facebook.

Nominating Committee Role

The Nominating Committee asks chapter members to fulfill officer roles in the chapter for a 1-year term. They council members on each officers’ duties, and present the ballot of nominated members for vote by the chapter. 

The committee will also nominate a delegate and alternate delegate to the annual convention of Kansas State Chapter, and a delegate to the Convention of International Chapter when so notified by the State Chapter.

Members should make a special effort to let the committee know they are willing to take an officer role.

Parliamentarian Committee Role

The Parliamentarian Committee is a resource for rules of order and the proper procedures for the conduct of meetings of deliberative assemblies. Parliamentarians assist organizations in the drafting and interpretation of bylaws and rules of order, and the planning and conduct of meetings. The parliamentarian sits near the President and unobtrusively offers the President help, guidance and support during the meeting. The President can and should consult with the parliamentarian prior to or during the meeting when not certain on how to rule on a question or proceed in certain or given circumstances.

Philanthropic Committee Role

While keeping in mind the Pyramid of Giving, the Philanthropic Committee assists with planning ways for the chapter to give back to the community each year through such means as donations to local service chapter organizations, service hours, etc.

Program/Yearbook Committee Role

The Yearbook Committee prepares the chapter’s programs, hostesses and meeting locations for the coming year. They confirm program speakers for scheduled meeting and introduce speakers to the chapter before the program.

The information is then compiled into the yearbook and prepared for printing and distribution at the first chapter meeting in the late Summer or Fall.

Reciprocity Representative(s) Role

The Reciprocity Board Representative attends meetings  on a designated month, day and time determined by the reciprocity group and reports back to the chapter items discussed.

Social Committee Role

The role of the social committees is to facilitate opportunities in connecting chapter sisters outside of regular chapter meetings, with the intention of closer relationships occurring. They also facilitate the introduction of potential new members for the chapter. The committee coordinates with the President and Program/Yearbook committee to schedule appropriate social activities and provide a variety of events and times to accommodate all ages, abilities and schedules to encourage participation in chapter social functions.

The committee also reminds chapter members in their Committee report of upcoming social functions at meetings, notes any social event changes and communicate with chapter members in person, phone or via e-mail when necessary.

Costs associated with each social are the responsibility of the members attending the social, not just the committee.

Technology/Telephone Committee Role

The Technology Committee serves as the technology person for the chapter and assists sisters who are in need of technology advice with online applications. They are also responsible for sending emails to chapter sisters for the president. 

This committee or the Yearbook Committee may be responsible for formatting the yearbook, having it printed and distributed, and sending copies to Kansas State Chapter Officers as directed.

The Telephone Committee Role is to contact chapter members who do not have email accessibility regarding upcoming meetings and socials, and then notify the hostess with responses for themselves and those contacted.
